Academy style Practice format
Academy Style Sample Training Session
In this practice format, multiple stations are used to give kids multiple learning opportunities in a single training session. More coaches are required to make this format work. This can be done by combining your practice with another team (or several other teams). The stations can all focus on a single concept or area of development. Or, there can be a different area of focus at each station (i.e. shooting station, passing station, dribbling station, defense station, ect). This format does the best job of ensuring that a large group of players all learn the same skills. This is also a great format for younger kids with shorter attention spans.
-15) Station 1 – Players arrive at practice and engage in their first station. Coaches can introduce the central concept for their practice (if needed) and reinforce the coaching points for their specific station as the players begin practice.
-25) Station 2 – Players rotate to their second station and engage in a second activity. Coaches do not rotate with players. They stay at their station and only teach one activity per session.
-35) Station 3 – Players rotate again and engage in a third activity.
-45) Station 4 – Players rotate again and engage in a fourth activity
-60) Game Play – Players finish the session in game play. Coaches provided positive feedback and reinforce the concepts and coaching points presented in the stations.
This format can be adjusted to include fewer stations with longer time spent at each station. You could also remove game play for younger kids. It is also sometimes favorable to have the coaches rotate instead of the players (less moving parts).