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Return to Play Policy

This document provides an overview of how the club, Hempfield Area Soccer Club (HASC), will approach returning to play as permitted by the Commonwealth. Each of the personnel specific sections will be shared with that specific group.


This document is to help guide our youth club to return to play. Everyone must take additional steps to help ensure our members have a safe training and playing environment. These additional steps are outlined here and incorporate recommendations from the CDC, USOPC, US Youth Soccer, and US Soccer.

These guidelines are only applicable once an area has been designated “Green” by the Commonwealth of PA. Areas designated “Yellow” and “Red” are not cleared for organized sports activity. Our club must follow specific guidelines from state and local health departments in addition to utilizing the recommendations provided by PAWEST. Our clubs may be more restrictive but cannot loosen the requirements set forth by the convening health authorities. Pennsylvania Department of Health’s “Green” designation requires following the CDC Guidelines for COVID-19.


CDC Guidelines offer four areas for action in youth sports:

  • Promote Behaviors To Reduce Spread

  • Creating a Healthy Environment

  • Utilizing Healthy Operations

  • And Preparing For Illness.


Description of the document and the info provided that will be expected to be followed by admins, coaches, and players.


The overriding expectations contained within the documents being implemented and followed to provide a safe playing environment.

  • Do not attend practice or game if not feeling well.

  • Wear a mask.

  • Wash hands with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.

  • Do not touch your face.

  • Do not share water bottles or food.


All participants, or parent/guardian, must sign the COVID waiver prior to participation in any training, practices, or games.





This section outlines the requirements for players participating in Hempfield Area Soccer Club activities. These are mandatory requirements for HASC to return to play.


Players MUST always follow personal hygiene, please wash with soap and water or use hand sanitizer during breaks in training and games and after training and games. Players must bring their own ball and water to practices and games. We are not able to share equipment like balls and pinnies. Players must strictly adhere to set schedules. They must not arrive early to practices or game beyond the designated time issued by the organization and/or coach. They must promptly gather their gear and immediately join their parents or guardian in their vehicles. Team “huddles” should observe social distancing; no handshakes, high-fives, fist
bumps, etc. There will be no post-game handshake or team huddles. This includes pre-game and half-time huddles; there will be no handshakes, high-fives, fist bumps, hugs, etc. There will be no post-game snacks. All state and local health guidelines and protocols should be followed.


The HASC organization along with the board and coaches are also strongly suggesting the following guidelines:

  1. Players are strongly suggested to clean and disinfect non-washable equipment like cleats, ball, guards, gloves between games and practices.

  2. To continue to social distance we suggest avoid carpooling, shower immediately upon returning home from a practice or game and bring your own hand sanitizer to every training or game.



This section outlines the requirements for the parents with children participating in Hempfield Area Soccer Club activities. These are mandatory requirements for HASC to return to play.

Parents MUST always follow personal hygiene, please make sure your child washes with soap and water or use hand sanitizer during breaks in training and games and after training and games. Parents must also follow personal hygiene when in contact with players, parents, or coaches, before, during, or after training or games. Parents must strictly adhere to set schedules. They must not arrive early to practices or game beyond the designated time issued by the organization and/or coach. Parents should remain in their vehicles during training. There will be no post-game snacks. All state and local health guidelines and protocols should
be followed.


The HASC organization along with the board and coaches are also strongly suggesting
the following guidelines:

  1. Parents are strongly suggested to clean and disinfect non-washable equipment like cleats, balls, guards, gloves between games and practices.

  2. To continue to social distance we suggest avoid carpooling, shower immediately upon returning home from a practice or game and bring your own hand sanitizer to every training or game.

  3. Spectators are permitted at games. Those from the same home may sit together. Those from different homes must sit six (6) feet apart.

  4. They should remain in their vehicles shortly before kick-off and return to their vehicles immediately following the final whistle.



This section outlines the requirements for coaches participating in Hempfield Area Soccer Club activities. These are mandatory requirements for HASC to return to play: Coaches MUST always follow personal hygiene, please wash with soap and water or use hand sanitizer during breaks in training and games and after training and games. Coaches must strictly adhere to set schedules. Coaches will organize “stations” for each player at or around the bench area that are at least six(6) feet apart in which players must keep all of their belongings.


They shall be required to return to their “station” only during breaks. If more than one team is using a field for training at the same time, training areas should be at least 20 yards apart. They must promptly gather their gear and immediately leave the field after their training or game. Team “huddles” should observe social distancing; no handshakes, high-fives, fist bumps, etc. There will be no post-game handshake or team huddles. This includes pre-game and half-time huddles; there will be no handshakes, high-fives, fist bumps, hugs, etc. There will be no post-game snacks. All state and local health guidelines and protocols should be followed.


The HASC organization along with the board is also strongly suggesting the following guidelines:

  1. If more than one team is using a field for training at the same time, training areas should be at least 20 yards apart.

  2. Coaches alone shall be permitted to touch the equipment, including training discs and cones; do not enlist help from players or parents.



This section outlines the requirement for Hempfield Area Soccer Club admins participating in club activities. These are mandatory requirements for HASC to return to play: The HASC organization must have available adequate supplies of hand sanitizer. Handwashing facilities should be available when possible. Hand sanitizer will be available on every bench. The organization must strictly enforce and adhere to set schedules. Restrooms should be cleaned regularly (minimum hourly) using disinfecting cleaners; use should be as directed by the manufacturer. The organization should have parents remain in their vehicles during training. HASC will help coaches organize “stations” for each player at or around the bench area that are at least six(6) feet apart in which players must keep all of their belongings.


They shall be required to return to their “station” only during breaks. No post-game snacks. The HASC organization will stagger start times when multiple teams are using the same training site on the same night; staggered start times also apply on game days. Our organization will be responsible for cleaning the technical areas with a disinfectant cleaner (follow manufacturer’s usage instruction) prior to the teams from the next game arriving. The HASC organization will publish this notice to all players, parents, and soccer families outlining the risks of returning and detailing how HASC intends to minimize or eradicate those risks. HASC will maintain a record of parental/coach acknowledgment of risk. ALL ‘return to play’ activities are voluntary. Accommodations will be made for any family or child wishing to return to play at a later date.


Before any and all activities (e.g. practice, tryout session, etc) coach and player health assessments must be made incorporating the following elements:

  1. Must ask – have you been in contact with a person with COVID-19?

  2. Must ask – have you had a cough, fever, or loss of taste or smell?


It is the policy of the organization that all coaches and club admins will be required to wear masks during all activities. Activities include, but are not limited to, meetings, training sessions, and games. The organization does not require any other protective equipment but coaches and club admins may opt to use other gear as they see fit. All coaches, board members, and volunteer roles within the organization must be trained and educated on HASC’s protocols and requirements, including state and local regulations, CDC recommendations, and other necessary safety information before returning to play.


The HASC organization along with the board is also following these suggested guidelines:

  1. The HASC organization will post signage reminding members to practice good hygiene. We will be sending out emails and social media posts reminding our members about ways to practice good hygiene. We will also have a page on our website dedicated to good hygiene practices to stop the spread of COVID-19.

  2. The HASC organization will also help teams disinfect non-washable equipment like cleats, ball, guards, gloves between games and practices.

  3. We will remind members to promptly leave fields after training or games and to avoid carpooling.

  4. HASC will ask that all attendees (participants and spectators) at practices/games check in with the club designee (coach, asst. coach, team manager, field marshal, or club COVID coordinator). This will aid in tracking/notification if needed by a public health authority.


HASC will designate training areas for each team, either by designating one field per team or segmenting the field to allow two teams to practice at least 20 yards apart. HASC will also designate sections for spectators to sit during games that are at least six(6) feet apart. We are asking spectators to remain in their cars until shortly before kick-off and return to their cars immediately following the whistle. We ask spectators to wait for the team to take the field for the kick-off to exit their vehicles and head to the sideline for the match.


This section outlines how the Hempfield Area Soccer Club will utilize facilities and act before, during, and after the utilization.

Before: All play areas and benches will be supplied with hand sanitizer or facilities for handwashing. All non-washable equipment will be disinfected per the manufacturer guidelines. Schedules for training and games will be posted on our organization website for social distancing. A buffer time will be included for groups to finish and leave the facility prior to the next group’s arrival and disinfecting of equipment and facilities to occur. The organization will create stations for each player to place his/her equipment on arrival. Stations will be created on the spectator sideline to designate the six (6) foot rule. Restrooms will be cleaned prior to any training, evaluations, or games. Health assessments will be given prior to any training, evaluations, or games. Attendance records will be taken prior to training, evaluations, or games.

During: All play areas and benches will be updated with hand sanitizer as needed. If necessary, non-washable equipment can be disinfected per the manufacturer guidelines. Only the players and teams designated for that time segment will be allowed on the field. The organization will ensure that players utilize their designated stations during breaks and remain socially distant. Restrooms will be cleaned each hour during any training, evaluations, or games. Health assessments will be given during any training, evaluations, or games as needed.


After: All play areas and benches will be refilled with hand sanitizer or other cleaning products as needed. All non-washable equipment will be disinfected per the manufacturer guidelines. The designated player and spectator areas will be cleaned as needed (garbage, disinfecting of benches or bleachers). Restrooms will be cleaned after each training, evaluations, event, or games.


COVID Positive Response
This section outlines how the club will respond to a player, coach, or admin in regular contact with others is identified as COVID Positive.

In the instance that a positive test result should occur, HASC organization has the following communication plan in place:

  1. Contact the county health department of the exposure or illness and confirm the necessary steps.

  2. Remind the exposed or ill player or parent of the CDC self-isolation instruction and the need to contact their physician.

  3. Follow county health department direction on notification of all individuals with possible exposure.

  4. We will notify coaches and families if the organization becomes aware of a participant or a coach/admin has developed COVID-19 and may have been infectious to others while at a youth or adult activity.

  5. We will maintain participant confidentiality regarding health status.

  6. All activities for the organization will immediately halt until the HASC board has an opportunity to evaluate and take the proper steps to clean and disinfect the facilities. This includes but not limited to:

    1. Double disinfecting measures at all affected facilities and equipment.

    2. Institute adjustments to training schedules.

    3. All notifications of illness, cancellation, or closure of fields will be sent via email as well as posted on our website and social media page.


Additional Plans
This section identifies any plans the club has in place to address specific needs or requirements. This will be edited as we determine cleaning schedules and volunteers for cleaning specific areas of the HASC facilities.

Example: Cleaning routine plans that list schedule for cleaning, specific cleaning requirements, disinfectants to be used, etc.


Additional Resources
This section lists sources members of our club can consult for COVID related info


PA West COVID Info Center

CDC Considerations for Youth Sports

US Youth Sports Return to Activity Notice


USOPC Coronavirus Update Page

CDC – Additional Information Symptoms of Coronavirus

Coronavirus Prevention & Treatment

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